

COVID-19 Update from our CEO

On 17th March, Merriwa launched its response to managing this unprecedented situation the world finds itself in, known as the coronavirus (covid19) pandemic.

For Merriwa to continue business as usual as far as possible, we developed and implemented our COVID19 Management Strategy which focuses on continuing to live the Merriwa Dream, Purpose and Values through a commitment to business continuity based on preparedness, containment and recovery. Above all we are all working hard to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of our team.

It is understood, that there will be significant social and economic impacts for our team and key stakeholders as the impacts of COVID19 become clear. We remain committed to understanding and managing these impacts. However, we are sure together we can deliver positive business outcomes during challenging times through a calm, person and customer centred approach.

It is only with the support of Merriwa’s incredible team that we are able to continue our business operations and services. When I think of the significant change our organisation and our community has gone through in such a short period of time, I reflect on how proud I am of our team and our community. The level of understanding, adaptability, clarity and state of calm shown from our team has been extraordinary, and without their support we would not be able to operate the way we are.

Bart Crawley

Merriwa CEO

If you want more information about our packaging services, you can contact us.